Wood floor transition to tiles and carpet

Here at Fin Wood, we love the simplicity of clean and precise details. However, these require a clear focus on detail. Most of the time a wooden floor will meet with other floor coverings such as tiles or carpet. Whenever possible, we aim to achieve a seamless transition between the wooden floor and tiles by precisely cutting the wood along the tile line and positioning it at the same level. If the tiles have not been fitted we will communicate closely with the tiler or the contractor to synchronise both floor coverings.

Alternatively, we may use a discreet wooden threshold or door trim that matches in colour with the floor which will help to achieve a clean transition between the wooden floor and the carpet or tiles. If this happens to be under a door the aim is to have the threshold positioned right under the door, no wider than the door, so that when it is closed neither of the other floor covering will be seen coming from underneath.


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